20 Apr 2015

The Biggest Percieved Challenge Of Sales Training

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It is no surprise that the biggest challenge justifying sales training for company leaders is how to justify the expense? This is the finding of a survey conducted by Mckinsey & Company in their survey of over 1400 sales managers. The specific problem is the lack of metrics. Sales trainers have been operating in theory way to long.

The Biggest Problem With Sales Training

The Biggest Problem With Sales Training

My contention is to turn the whole model upside down and make sales people marketers and make the focus optimization. By doing this you upgrade the person you hire to sell for you because they will have to be organized enough to make a marketing plan, implement and monitor results. This is a departure from some of the traits hiring managers are focused on currently.

The model for cross training sales professionals as marketing strategists works. The benefits are huge more autonomy, less turn over and higher sales numbers. This approach may even put the Paredo principle to rest which I happen to believe is a hoax. There is an investment in time to begin with but the investment in time is minor if you look at the benefits.

The process begins with an analysis of the individual sales professional followed buy a customer and market analysis. After sizing up each salespersons path of least resistance to winning in the market place its time to implement. The implementation process includes testing and tweaking continuously this is where this approach is superior because you have metrics and you can stay on top of whats working and what isn’t. You can see trends as they unfold and make adjustments.

There is no comparison to what is currently being done the field of sales training. For more information on individual or group training see what we are doing in this area by following this link Win Now!


Warm Regards,

Valdez Lasartemay

About the Author

Career sales professional and marketing strategist